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A clean shave on your head puts you at risk of developing razor bumps, which are caused by ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs are hairs that grow into the skin or hair follicle wall instead of growing normally. These ingrown hairs cause bumps that look like pimples that hurt or itch. Properly treating razor bumps is necessary because these bumps can lead to permanent scarring or hyperpigmentation, which is a darkening of the skin.
Step 1
Allow your hair grow until the razor bumps are healed. Shaving your head while you have razor bumps may cause the ingrown hairs you have to get worse and it may cause new razor bumps to form.Step 2
Shampoo your head daily to minimize the risk of infection. Be careful not to irritate the skin when you shampoo as this discourages healing.Step 3
Apply hot compresses on your head three times per day. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, warm, moist compresses help razor bumps to drain. This encourages healing.Step 4
Inspect your head to determine if you can remove the ingrown end of the hair. Use a mirror or ask a friend to help you check, if necessary. If you see a loop of hair above the razor bump, use a sterile needle to gently lift the hair up out of the skin, recommends If you don’t see the loop of hair, don’t try to pick it out. You may cause infection and scarring if you try to pick out an embedded hair.Step 5
Treat the razor bumps with over-the-counter medications. Antibiotic ointment, such as triple antibiotic ointment, helps to prevent infections. Anti-itch cream, such as hydrocortisone cream, helps to stop itching. Follow manufacturer directions.Tips and Warnings
- Avoid wearing a hat, cap or scarf on your head. These items hold heat near the head and may cause sweating. When you sweat, the moisture from the sweat may mix with the dead skin cells and block your hair follicles. Additionally, the hat, cap or scarf may rub against the bumps and cause irritation. This can make razor bumps worse.
- If you notice signs of infection, such as extreme pain or redness around the razor bumps, contact your doctor for prescription treatments. The same is true if you suffer from chronic or repeated razor bumps each time you shave your head.
Things You'll Need
- Shampoo Compresses Needle Mirror Antibiotic Anti-itch cream
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