Tuesday, December 28, 2010


How to Treat Razor Bumps on the Head

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How to Treat Razor Bumps on the Head
How to Treat Razor Bumps on the Head
shaving man image by Mat Hayward from Fotolia.com
How to Treat Razor Bumps on the Head


You shaved your head and now you see bumps on it that look like blisters or pimples. These bumps are razor bumps, which are caused when your hair grows into the skin as it begins to grow again. Treating the symptoms of the razor bumps, including the bump itself, pain and itching, as soon as you notice the bumps might prevent complications like permanent scarring. While you are treating the razor bumps, let your hair grow out to prevent more razor bumps from forming.

Step 1

Place wet, hot compresses on your head for at least five minutes per session for three sessions per day. This will encourage the bumps to drain and help the lesions to heal faster.

Step 2

Wash your head daily to remove sweat. Use antibacterial or anti-acne wash containing salicylic acid on a washcloth, notes the U.S. Department of the Navy. Work in a circular motion for three to five minutes to loosen ingrown hairs as you wash.

Step 3

Reduce irritation by applying 1 percent hydrocortisone cream to each bump two to three times per day.

Step 4

Apply triple antibiotic ointment or Bacitracin ointment to the razor bumps according to the manufacturer's instructions This will reduce irritation and help to prevent infection.

Tips and Warnings

  • Consider trimming your hair with clippers or scissors instead of shaving it. University of Mississippi Health Care states that hair that is at least 1/8 inch to ¼ inch long isn't likely to become ingrown and cause razor bumps. If the razor bumps don't subside with these treatments or if you get them each time you shave, you might need prescription treatments. MayoClinic.com states that prescription treatments can include corticosteroids, antibiotics or retinoids. Contact your doctor to determine if prescription treatment is necessary for you.
  • Keep hats and other headgear off of your head while the bumps heal. Your head is more likely to sweat when it is covered, and because sweat irritates the skin, it can cause the razor bump to worsen. Additionally, some headgear might rub against the bump and irritate it.

Things You'll Need

  • Hot compress Antibacterial soap Anti-acne soap Washcloth Hydrocortisone Triple antibiotic ointment or Bacitracin

Photo Credit

shaving man image by Mat Hayward from Fotolia.com
Casey Holley
Casey Holley
Article reviewed by Shawn Candela
Last updated on: 08/09/10

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Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/198807-how-to-treat-razor-bumps-on-the-head/#ixzz19Tur4NsI

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