Head bumps have been a common problem faced by people over the years. One possible explanation for head bumps is; they form if you damage or break a small blood vessel under the skin. When the blood vessels are damaged they form pools of blood or blood clots which end up swelling the surrounding tissue there by causing the bump. The severity of head bumps depend completely on how hard you hit your head and the part of the head that is damaged. Since a head bump is not always a serious problem one quick home remedy you can try is applying an ice pack for two to three minutes. After that apply some vegetable oil on the bump and then apply some table salt in a circular motion on the bump. Allow this mixture to stay on the bump for three to five hours until the swelling decreases.
Head bumps that are caused by hard hits that occur in sports and accidents can be very dangerous. If your skull is injured in an incident then it is a matter of real concern as the skull is the protective covering of the brain. Many a times when the skull is damaged from an accident and heals after some time it becomes thicker just like a scar and forms a bump on the head. Head bumps could also be due to plugged oil gland or a sebaceous cyst. They are not dangerous as they gradually heal on their own or could be surgically removed as well. Some times due to changes in our metabolism the body tends to deposit toxins and fats called lymphomas in certain parts of the body the head being the most common. These cysts are not always harmful and very often can be treated through proper diet, exercise and hydro therapy. A homeopathic cell salt called calc flour can help in getting the balance back to your system. Head bumps formed at the back of your head just below the large prominence of the bone are called occipital lymph nodes. You must consult your doctor if you notice; these head bumps becoming larger and if you have significant weight loss along with frequent night sweats. It is possible that these bumps can form lymphoma which is a result of stress, muscle tension or hereditary. You must have plenty of foods that are rich in Vitamin C as they can help fasten the healing process. Treatment for Head Bump
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