Wednesday, January 12, 2011

TIP ON stretch marks

The loss of skin's elastin and collagen is responsible for causing stretch marks. This loss can occur in two ways. First, hormonal changes caused by such things as prolonged steroid use or Cushing's syndrome can result in stretch marks. Perhaps the most common reason stretch marks form is because the skin is stretched more than normal, leading to a breakdown of tissue fibers. When this breakdown of tissues is present, a stretch mark develops and can be seen in the top layer of the skin.
Often, individuals are surprised to learn that stretch marks are actually a type of scarring. When the skin is overstretched and collagen production is disrupted, a type of scar forms. Initially, stretch marks appear as lines that have a red or purple coloring. After a while, the color changes, ending in a light, faded look.

Stretch marks

Do you know you can literally massage your stretch marks away? See how it is done! With minimum cost, maximum results.
user before after pix

The Truth About Stretch Mark Creams

There are so many stretch mark cream products on the market today that claim to either prevent or reduce the appearance of stretch marks that I thought it might be beneficial to review exactly what these products do when it comes to treating your stretch marks.  Scientifically, it has not been proven whether most of these products can help, but there are scores of women around the world that have evidence of their very own that creams and lotions have helped reduce, eliminate, and prevent stretch marks.

What is in a stretch mark cream?

Most of the available stretch mark creams on the market contain a combination of cocoa butter, and Vitamins A and E.  These items help promote overall skin health and can help improve the appearance of your skin. 
Cocoa butter keeps the skin moisturized and well hydrated.  This can improve the overall elasticity of the skin which is especially helpful when attempting to prevent stretch marks.
Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that nourishes and protects your skin.  Vitamin A, also known as retinol, is an antioxidant essential for skin health.  Glucocorticoids, a group of hormones, can reduce the effectiveness of Vitamin A so its addition in topical stretch mark creams is important.
Most of the prescription stretch mark creams available contain concentrated amounts of Vitamin A derivatives.  They are more potent formulas than the over the counter treatments, and they have had some success reducing the appearance of stretch marks.  A lot of the success of these prescription creams depends on the age of the stretch mark, skin tone, and overall skin health.
Shea butter is another addition to stretch mark creams that has become more common.  It can help promote cell regeneration and circulation as well as provide a natural protection against ultraviolet damage to the skin.
Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) are another common ingredient found in many stretch mark cream formulas.  These AHAs are derived from plants and are sometimes referred to as fruit acids.  AHAs promote skin cell regeneration so your skin may feel a little dry and flaky when you first start using them as many old dead skin cells are removed from your skin.

Cream Application May Help Circulation

Not only do stretch mark cream ingredients help with appearance and prevention but the actual application of the creams may help with circulation in the skin's layers.  The massaging motion during cream and lotion application stimulates the circulation in the area being massaged.  If done daily, improved circulation and regeneration of cells in the area could result.  Improved circulation leads to improved collagen production and skin cell regeneration both of which are needed to prevent and/or reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
The reason most stretch mark creams can't completely remove existing stretch marks is because they concentrate their effectiveness on the outer layer of skin, the epidermis.  The majority of damage caused by stretch marks is a combination of damage in the epidermis and the dermis, the middle layer of your skin.  Topical treatments just can't penetrate the skin deep enough to provide total correction of the damage, but they can drastically improve the outer appearance.  They can also help during the prevention stage of stretch marks by contributing to your overall skin health, which reduces your chances of having stretch marks form in unwanted places.
Disclaimer:  The information provided within this site is not meant to be a substitute for a medical doctor's opinion.  This site is for informational purposes ONLY.  Please check with your medical practitioner before any type of treatment or prevention method is started.

What Causes a Stretch Mark to Form

What Causes a Stretch Mark to Form

What Causes a Stretch Mark to Form

Stretch Mark Prevention

The most important thing you can do to prevent stretch marks is to maintain healthy skin.  Listed below are some ways you can keep your skin looking its best and hopefully prevent stretch marks from occurring.
  • Eat a variety of foods that promote healthy skin such as foods rich in zinc, Vitamins A, C, and D, as well as sufficient amounts of protein.
  • Drink at least eight 8 oz. cups of water daily.  You need to increase this amount if you also drink caffeinated beverages.  Water helps keep you entire body healthy and helps keep you skin more elastic to help prevent stretch mark formation.
  • An exercise program keeps your entire body healthy which, in turn, promotes healthy skin.
  • Don't scratch the areas where you are likely to get stretch marks. This skin should be gently massaged with oils or creams if it feels itchy. Scratching pulls and stretches the outer and middle layers of skin and can contribute to more damage.  Massaging is good for skin not only to prevent scratching, but it promotes blood circulation and helps stimulate new cell growth, both of which are important in preventing stretch marks.
  • If you are pregnant, try to stay within the healthy weight gain limits of 25-35 pounds.  More important than abiding by these numbers is to gain weight slowly over your pregnancy.  Sudden spurts of growth can occur during pregnancy that can cause your weight to grow too quickly and increase your chances of stretch marks forming.
  • Use a stretch mark cream or ointment more than once daily in the areas you are likely to develop stretch marks. The creams have ingredients which can help improve your skin's condition which lessens your chances of developing a stretch mark.

Disclaimer:  The information provided within this site is not meant to be a substitute for a medical doctor's opinion.  This site is for informational purposes ONLY.  Please check with your medical practitioner before any type of treatment or prevention method is started.